
"...programming is an attempt to compensate for the strictly limited size of our skulls."

I've recently accepted a role at Amazon Web Services as a Cloud Support Associate (DBs). 🎉



22 • 06 • 16
10 minutes
Sidequest: Installing NVM in Powershell Local Strapi backend Installation Configuring our Local Strapi Backend Install GraphQL plugin and configure it locally Creating a Collection Type for Articles Set roles and permissions on our Strapi API Database configuration with .env variables Testing the Strapi API Locally via GraphQL Still to Come... Welcome back! ╰(°▽°)╯ If you've been following along so
22 • 05 • 03
6 minutes
Warning here be dragons Table of Contents # Deploy an Eleventy Blog on Cloudflare pages with Strapi, MySQL, and Dokku on a Digital Ocean Droplet, part 2 Apps needed to proceed Download and Install MySQL services Configure Local MySQL services and choose Authentication Method Install and configure Dokku mysql plugin (Remote) (Remote) Playing around with our new MySQL database Sidequest? Adding a MyS
22 • 03 • 25
9 minutes
Table of Contents # Hardening the Ubuntu Dokku Droplet Part 1: Creating a new user in the sudo group Hardening the Ubuntu Dokku Droplet Part 2: Harden OpenSSH on Ubuntu and disable root Changing your Host to a Static IP and Implementing an IP address Allowlist Part 1 Changing your Host to a Static IP and Implementing an IP address Allowlist Part 2 Connecting the dots...getting a blog pushed onto Clou
22 • 03 • 24
9 minutes
Table of Contents # Deploy an Eleventy Blog on Cloudflare pages with Strapi, MySQL, and Dokku on a Digital Ocean Droplet, part 1 Getting a Domain Name from Namesilo.com Creating SSH Keys and adding them to your Digital Ocean Account Creating a new Digital Ocean Dokku droplet to hold our apps and MySQL database Getting free fast static site hosting and DNS management from Cloudflare Pages and adding n


Using Macros in Neovim
Serverless Cloud Overview
C++ Security Policy Presentation