Vic's Blog

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Understanding the VRAM Requirements for LLMs on ThinkPad T15g Gen 2 Intel

Written   by   Victor Feight

24 • 08 • 03     /    12 minutes     [ linux, devops, llm, thinkpad, vram ]

Installing and configuring Ollama on Linux for optimal performance.

How to Correctly Set Resolution on Debian

Written   by   Victor Feight

24 • 08 • 02     /    6 minutes     [ Debian, Linux, KDE ]

This guide walks you through setting up the correct resolution on a minimal Debian testing installation with KDE, including driver installation and display configuration.

Install Strapi CMS onto a our local machine, and allow local Strapi service to talk to our local MySQL instance.

Install the MySQL plugin for dokku, create a remote database, and test out a remote connection using the MySQL workbench.